How to Start a Poultry Business: Step by Step Guide

How to start a poulty business

The poultry industry in Africa, including Nigeria, has witnessed tremendous growth in recent years driven by a number of factors.

One of the major drivers of the growth of the poultry ecosystem in these regions has been the increasing demand for poultry meat as a rich source of protein.

This article briefly discusses how to start a poultry business and provide tips for creating a successful poultry farming business.

Steps To a Successful Poultry Business

In Nigeria, the poultry industry is a major contributor to the country’s economy providing employment and income opportunities for thousands of people.

However, setting up a poultry farm requires significant investment of time, money, and energy, as well as knowledge and experience in animal husbandry and business management.

The following steps have been carefully proven and thoroughly tested to ensure the success and profitability of any poultry business venture.

Strict adherence to these guidelines will increase the likelihood of achieving desired outcomes and maximising returns in the industry.

1. Research and Planning

The first step in starting a poultry farm in Nigeria is to thoroughly research the poultry industry and a good understanding of the market.

This will include understanding the different types of poultry, their housing and feeding requirements, and the costs and profits associated with different poultry farming methods.

For example, raising broilers for meat production is different from raising layers for egg production.

Each type has its own unique needs in terms of feeds, drugs and equipment and it is important to understand these before venturing into the business.

In addition, it is also important to develop a detailed business plan which will outline your goals, target market, anticipated costs and projected profits.

It should also include information on the types of poultry you plan to raise, the housing and equipment required, and the costs associated with starting and running the poultry farm.

2. Obtain Financing

how to start a poultry business

Careful outline of the source of finances required to start and run the poultry farm is considered the next and one of the most important steps in starting a profitable poultry venture.

The total cost of setting up should be divided into capital cost and recurrent costs in the business plan.

The capital costs are initial investments required to purchase farm assets that will be used over a longer period of time, typically several years.

Capital costs are typically one-time expenses and are usually large in comparison to recurrent costs.

Examples of capital costs include the cost of purchasing land and buildings, constructing buildings, purchasing equipment, and investing in research and development.

Recurrent cost on the other hand refers to the ongoing expenses required to maintain and operate an asset. They are typically incurred on a regular basis, such as monthly, quarterly or annually.

Examples of recurrent costs include cost of feeds and drugs, salaries and wages, utilities, maintenance, supplies and repair.

The costs associated with starting a poultry farm can be significant, and it is important to have enough capital to cover the costs of equipment, feed, and housing, as well as any unexpected expenses.

Financing options include personal savings, loans, grants, crowdfunding, and cooperatives.

3. Choose a Farm Location

how to start a poultry business

Carefully selecting the location of your poultry farm is an extremely important consideration.

The location of interest should have good roads that can easily access the target markets, have a suitable climate, ensure water availability, have the right topography that prevents erosion and soil quality and have the necessary government zoning and permits for siting a poultry farm.

Additionally, the location should also have the necessary resources for your poultry, such as access to clean water and suitable land that will accommodate all farm machineries.

4. Housing and Constructions

how to start a poultry business

The next step is to construct housing that meets the requirements for the type of poultry that will be raised.

Typical housing structures required on a poultry farm include the pen houses, brooder houses, feed mills and feed storage houses, egg collection houses for layer farms, offices and administrative blocks, changing room and lounge for staff and toilet facilities.

It is important that construction of these housing structures should follow appropriate government regulatory guidelines for poultry house construction and ensure maximum biosecurity protocols.

The farm should also have a perimeter fencing that will ward off intruders, visitors and predators from the farm.

5. Setup Equipment

Purchasing the necessary equipment is another important step and the type of equipment purchased will depend on the type of birds raised.

These will include feeders, drinkers, cages, feed silo or troughs, feed mixers, generators, manure processor and other poultry-specific equipment.

It is important to purchase high-quality equipment that is designed for the type of poultry you are raising, as well as equipment that is easy to clean and maintain.

6. Obtain Relevant Documentation and Government Approvals.

It is extremely important to obtain the necessary government documentation and approval before setting up a poultry farm to ensure compliance with local regulations on health and safety as well as protection of the environment.

Government approvals ensure that the daily operation of the farm is within the stipulated permissible standards required of such business venture.

Obtaining the approval may be subject to visits by government officials to inspect facilities on the farm in preparedness for commencement of operations.

7. Stock Birds

This step is regarded as one of the most important as the success or otherwise of the whole venture depends on the quality and health of birds purchased.

It is important to purchase birds from reputable hatcheries that produce healthy chicks that are well adapted to the climate and housing conditions.

Additionally, it is important to purchase birds that are of the right age and size for your poultry farming method.

8. Implement Feeding and Management Plan

how to start a poultry business

Having the right feeding and management plan is an essential part of starting a poultry farm.

It should highlight the right feed and nutrition for the birds as well as a schedule for cleaning and maintaining the pen houses.

It is also important to have a plan in place for monitoring the health of the birds and addressing any issues that may arise.

9. Develop Product Marketing Strategy

Developing a marketing plan that outlines how to promote and sell poultry products is crucial for the success of the poultry farm.

The plan will include steps to determine the target market and identify the best channels for reaching that market.

For example, the target of a local broiler farmer may be local meat shop or restaurants.

In this case, it is important to develop relationship with these businesses and create a marketing plan to promote products to them.

On the other hand, farmers producing eggs will target retail egg outlets and farmers markets to sell their products.

In this case, you would need to create a marketing plan to promote your products through these channels.

It is worthy of note that a marketing plan should also include information on pricing, packaging, and branding.

This is important to create a strong brand identity for the poultry farm and it sets your products apart from those of your competitors.

Additionally, pricing your products competitively and packaging them in a way that appeals to your target market is also important to ensure that the product sells well.


Starting a poultry farm requires a significant investment of time, money, and energy, as well as knowledge and experience in animal husbandry and business management.

However, with the right research, planning, and execution, a poultry farm can be a profitable and sustainable business.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a successful poultry farming business that produces high-quality products and meets the needs of your target market.


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