Homemade Layers Mash: A Cost-Effective Way to Feed Your LAYING BIRDS

For many small-scale backyard poultry farmers, the idea of a homemade layers mash can be a practical and rewarding endeavour.

With the right blend of feed ingredients, you can create a nutritious feed that caters specifically to the needs of your laying birds.

Apart from being a cost effective solution to commercially prepared feed,it will also allow you to have greater control over the quality and composition of your birds’ diet.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the process of producing your own layers mash, explore the key nutrients and ratios to consider and provide a step-by-step recipe for crafting 70 kg of homemade layers mash.

.Whether you’re a seasoned poultry farmer or just starting out, this information will empower you to take a more hands-on approach to feeding your flock.

What Are The Benefits of Homemade Layers Mash?

homemade layers mash

Homemade layers mash offers numerous advantages over relying solely on store-bought feed.

Cost Savings

Commercially prepared layer feed can be quite expensive for small-scale operations especially when sundry costs like transportation are factored in.

By sourcing and mixing your own ingredients, you can often achieve a lower per-unit cost ultimately reducing your overall feed expenses.


Homemade layers mash allows you to directly manufacture the feed to the nutritional specification for your own birds based on advise from professional nutritionist or veterinarian.

You can adjust the ratios of ingredients to optimize the nutrient profile, ensuring your laying birds receive the right balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.

This level of customisation is difficult or sometimes totally impossible to achieve with commercially blended feed products.

Quality Control

When you make your own layers mash, you have full visibility and control over the quality of the ingredients.

This might rather sometimes be cumbersome as the farmer has to put structures in place to maintain the qualify of feed inputs supplied to prevent against rapid spoilage due to heat and microorganisms.

It is advisable to source high-quality, fresh components from trusted local suppliers, rather than relying on potentially lower-grade or questionable materials found in some commercial feeds.


By producing your own feed, you can trace the origins and sourcing of every ingredient.

This level of transparency can be especially valuable if you’re concerned about the use of additives, preservatives, or other potentially questionable substances in commercial feeds.


Homemade layers mash can be a more environmentally sustainable approach, as it reduces the need for packaging, transportation, and other supply chain factors associated with store-bought feed.

Additionally, you can incorporate locally sourced or even homegrown ingredients, further minimizing your carbon footprint.

Key Nutrients for Laying Birds

homemade layers mash

To ensure your homemade layers mash provides your flock with comprehensive nutritional support, it’s essential to understand the key nutrients which are required by laying birds for optimal performance.


Protein is a vital macro nutrient for laying birds as it supports their overall growth, development and egg production.

The recommended Digestible Crude Protein (DCP) content for layer feed is typically between 16-18%.

Common high-protein ingredients used in homemade layers mash include:

  • Soya (12kg in the 70kg recipe)
  • Fishmeal (8kg in the 70kg recipe)

It is important to strike the right balance as excessive protein can lead to issues like obesity, increased water consumption and elevated ammonia levels in the pen house.


Carbohydrates provide laying birds with a crucial source of energy needed for daily activities.

The primary carbohydrate-rich ingredients in the 70kg layers mash recipe are:

  • Whole maize (34kg)
  • Maize bran, rice germ, or wheat bran (10kg)

These complex carbohydrates are slowly released, helping to sustain your birds energy levels throughout the day.


Fats play a vital role in supporting egg production, as they aid in the development of the yolk.

While commercial layer feeds often contain added fats, the homemade recipe relies on the natural fat content of the ingredients, particularly the soya (12kg) and fishmeal (8kg).


Calcium is essential for the formation of strong, high-quality eggshells. Laying birds require a significant amount of calcium, which is why the recipe includes 6kg of lime.

Birds that don’t receive enough dietary calcium will begin to draw it from their own bone reserves, which can lead to reduced bone density, porous bone marrows and increased susceptibility to fractures especially for laying birds in cages.

Ensuring a consistent supply of calcium is crucial for maintaining the health and productivity of your laying flock.

Vitamins and Minerals

In addition to the macronutrients, layers mash should also contain a comprehensive blend of vitamins and minerals.

The 175g of premix included in the 70kg recipe likely provides a balanced array of these essential micronutrients.

Some key vitamins and minerals required by laying hens include:

  • Vitamin A: Supports eye health, immune function, and egg quality
  • Vitamin D3: Crucial for calcium absorption and bone development
  • Vitamin E: Acts as an antioxidant, supporting reproductive health
  • Vitamin B12: Necessary for red blood cell formation and neural function
  • Manganese: Involved in eggshell formation and bone development
  • Zinc: Supports immune function, feather growth, and reproductive health

By carefully formulating your homemade layers mash to include the appropriate balance of these vital nutrients, you can help ensure your hens maintain optimal health and productivity.

Homemade Layers Mash Recipe

homemade layers mash

Now that we’ve explored the key nutritional considerations, let’s follow a sample recipe from Halium Farms, a small scale poultry farm as we dive into the step-by-step process of creating 70kg batch of homemade layers mash.

Remember, the specific ratios and ingredients can be adjusted to suit the needs of the flock but this recipe provides a solid foundation to work with.


  • 34kg of whole maize
  • 12kg of soya
  • 8kg of fishmeal
  • 10kg of maize bran, rice germ, or wheat bran
  • 6kg of lime
  • 175g of premix
  • 70g of lysine
  • 35g of methionine
  • 70g of threonine
  • 35g of tryptophan
  • 50g of toxin binder

Preparation Steps

  1. Measure and Weigh Ingredients: Begin by carefully measuring and weighing out each of the required ingredients. Precision is key to ensuring the proper nutrient balance in your homemade layers mash.
  2. Mix Dry Ingredients: In a large, clean container or feed mixer, combine the whole maize, soya, fishmeal, maize bran/rice germ/wheat bran, and lime. Thoroughly mix these dry ingredients until they are evenly distributed.
  3. Add Supplements: Next, incorporate the premix, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, and toxin binder into the dry ingredient blend. Ensure these supplemental components are fully integrated.
  4. Adjust Moisture Content: Depending on the humidity and moisture levels of your ingredients, you may need to add a small amount of water to the mixture to achieve the desired consistency. The layers mash should be a crumbly, slightly damp texture, but not overly wet.
  5. Final Mixing: Once all the ingredients have been added and the moisture content is adjusted, mix the layers mash thoroughly until you achieve a consistent, homogeneous blend.
  6. Packaging and Storage: Transfer the finished layers mash to clean, airtight containers or bags for storage. Be sure to label each package with the date of production and the contents. Store the feed in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight, to maintain freshness and quality.

It’s important to note that the specific mixing and storage methods may vary depending on the scale of your operation and the equipment available.

For larger batches, you may want to consider using a feed mixer or other specialized machinery to ensure even blending and efficient production.

Introducing Layers Mash to Your Flock: Key Considerations

When should you begin feeding your laying hens the homemade layers mash?

The general recommendation is to introduce it at 18 weeks of age, transitioning from a starter or grower ration.

During the first 18 weeks of a chick’s life, they require a specialized diet that supports their rapid growth and development.

Once they reach sexual maturity and begin laying eggs, their nutritional needs shift to support egg production.

Layer feed, such as the homemade mash you’ve created, is formulated to provide the optimal balance of nutrients for laying hens.

It typically contains a higher protein content (16-18% DCP) and increased calcium levels to support strong eggshell formation.

When transitioning your hens to the layers mash, it’s important to do so gradually over the course of a week or two.

This allows their digestive system to adapt to the new diet without causing any sudden disruptions or digestive issues.

Start by mixing a small portion of the layers mash into their existing feed, gradually increasing the ratio of the new feed to the old.

This step-by-step approach will help ensure a smooth transition and minimize any potential stress or performance dips in your flock.

Remember, the introduction of layers mash should coincide with the onset of egg production, around 18 weeks of age.

Prior to this, your chicks should be fed a well-balanced starter or grower ration to support their overall growth and development.

Factors To Consider When Feeding Homemade Layers Mash

As you begin incorporating your homemade layers mash into your flock’s diet, you may encounter some challenges or need to make adjustments.

Monitor Egg Production and Quality

One of the primary indicators of a well-formulated layers mash is the overall egg production and quality within your flock.

Pay close attention to factors like:

  • Egg size and shell thickness
  • Yolk color and consistency
  • Egg production rates

If you notice any significant changes or declines in these metrics, it may be a sign that you need to adjust the nutrient ratios in your homemade feed and contact your veterinarian or nutritionist.

Evaluate Bird Health and Behaviour

In addition to monitoring egg production, closely observe the overall health and behavior of your laying hens. Look for signs of:

  • Feather condition and appearance
  • Activity levels and energy
  • Feed consumption and water intake
  • Any incidence of disease or illness

Changes in these areas could indicate an imbalance or deficiency in your homemade layers mash.

Adjust Ingredient Ratios

If you identify any issues with egg production, bird health, or other performance indicators, you may need to adjust the ratios of ingredients in your homemade layers mash.

This could involve:

  • Increasing or decreasing the protein content (soya, fishmeal)
  • Adjusting the carbohydrate sources (maize, bran)
  • Modifying the calcium (lime) levels
  • Reevaluating the vitamin and mineral premix

Remember to make any changes gradually and monitor the results closely to ensure you achieve the desired outcomes.

Seek Professional Guidance

If you continue to encounter persistent challenges or are unsure of how to optimise your homemade layers mash, don’t hesitate to seek guidance from a poultry nutrition specialist, a veterinarian or experienced local extension agent.

They can provide valuable insights and recommendations tailored to the specific needs of your flock and your local environment.

By closely monitoring your birds performance and being willing to make adjustments as needed, you can fine-tune your homemade layers mash to ensure your flock receives the comprehensive nutritional support they require for optimal health and egg production.

Way Forward: Getting The Right Blend Is Key

Producing your own layers mash at home can be a rewarding and cost-effective way to feed your laying birds.

By carefully blending the right mix of ingredients, you can create a customized feed that caters to the specific needs of your flock, while potentially saving money and promoting greater transparency and sustainability.

From understanding the key nutrients required by laying hens to crafting your own batch of homemade layers mash, this guide has provided you with the essential information to get started.

Remember to closely monitor your hens’ performance and be prepared to make adjustments to the feed as needed.

By taking a hands-on approach to your flock’s nutrition, you can empower yourself to provide your laying hens with the highest-quality feed possible, supporting their overall health, productivity, and the quality of the eggs they produce.

Embrace the benefits of homemade layers mash and take your small-scale poultry operation to new heights.

Read Also: How To Produce Your Own Chicken Feed


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